Janeth Mayo
Although a fledgling to the acting world of Australia, Janeth is not new to performing around the world.
Lady Luck was on her side when she gained a Semi-principle position in "Holiday on Ice" visiting amazing places such as Puerto Rico, Mexico, Canada, America, Sweden, Finland, Italy, Holland and other European countries.
During the breaks, eager to keep up momentum, Janeth worked as a backing dancer and appeared in various music videos.
This led to opportunities for a supporting artist role on a popular T.V show in the UK - Eastenders.
The Acting Bug bit hard (ouch), and Janeth has since then been studying through books, attending courses and classes, appeared on stage (without ice!), participated in short films and is excited and aware that there is so much more to experience!!!
Please visit my web site www.janethmayo.com for a resume and more photos
Thanks for reading,
Janeth Mayo
[email protected]
- Website: www.janethmayo.com
- Address: , Not Listed, None,
- [Email Janeth Mayo]